Healthy blooming skin without wrinkles in adulthood - women are willing to sacrifice a lot to achieve this effect. They spend unthinkable sums of money on cosmetics and procedures, give injections of hyaluronic acid, lie on the operating table. Unfortunately, none of this helps for long. This is because skin rejuvenation should start from within. 5 substances are available here that help keep the skin firm and taut longer.
Antioxidants - natural protection against free radicals
Why does the skin fade? There are over 300 theories today that explain the aging process. According to one of them, free radicals are the culprits of the main problems in women. They lead to the formation of holes in the membranes of the epithelial cells, their wrinkling and aging. Nature created many means - antioxidants that can help the human body withstand attack from attackers. The strongest of them, according to scientists, is the Siberian larch flavonoid - dihydroquercetin. The free radical absorption volume is 2500 times that of lemon.
Testosterone - a stimulator of skin cell renewal
The endocrine system acts as a puppeteer of all processes in our body. Hormones play the role of threads. It is you who move the doll in what is known as "skin rejuvenation". The main thread for this doll is testosterone. It depends on him how quickly the skin cells are restored and collagen and sebum are produced. With age, the concentration of the hormone in the blood decreases, the thread that moves the doll becomes weaker, the doll freezes. It contains substances from which the human body can build its testosterone.
Rutin normalizes metabolic processes
The rejuvenation of the skin and the entire organism depends heavily on the speed of the metabolic processes, that is, on how quickly nutrients get into the cells and excreted products of their vital activity. The transport route through which all these movements are carried out is the circulatory system. If for some reason it ceases to function properly, the skin cells starve and toxins build up in them. This does not have the optimal effect on the appearance of our protective cover. The flavonoid rutin, which is found in abundance in buckwheat, is perfect for the role of a road worker working on restoring transport links.
Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids help hold water in the skin.
The value of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids for maintaining youthful skin can hardly be overestimated. Nevertheless: These are building blocks for the construction of the membranes of its cells, which make it possible to retain fluid in the deep layers of the skin, activators for the production of collagen and elastin, liquidators of inflammatory processes and also an umbrella to protect against sun rays. Unfortunately, the body is unable to synthesize such a valuable substance on its own, and therefore its regular ingestion from the outside is entirely in our conscience. Generous sources of acid for rejuvenation - red and black caviar, linseed oil, salmon oil.
water - moisturizes the skin from the inside
Every beauty knows a common truth: in order for the skin to look good, it isyou need to moisturize. How? There are many opportunities. You can regularly apply a special cream. However, it works only in the surface layer of the skin and does not affect the deeper ones - those in which the process of dehydration begins. There is a certain substance in them called hyaluronic acid. Its large molecules, like strong magnets, attract water molecules and hold them in the skin to protect them from fading. How do you moisturize these deep layers of the skin? Very easy! Drink more water - 1. 5 to 2 liters per day, swim in reservoirs - the skin absorbs water like a sponge, eats more vegetables and fruits, and. . . does sports. Yes, yes, this is not a mistake. Muscle cells hold six times more water than their fatty counterparts.
The simultaneous attack on the aging factors of the skin on several fronts increases the chances of success in the fight for youth. Be young!